Three Reasons Why Life Abroad with Kids is Arguably MORE Awesome
As I shared in an earlier post I wrote while we were living in Costa Rica, travel with kids is not easy. The wee ones bring with them a whole bunch of other “stuff” (figuratively and literally) that makes traveling...

Refresh Your Perspective with Slow Travel
In my last post, I shared a bit about the effect all of our travel (and the corresponding transitions) has had on our kids. These changes are not all sunshine and roses. It's not easy to start a new life in a new place within a new culture. But it's completely worth...

Travel and Transitions with Two Kids
We're in Colombia! We left Costa Rica mid June and then headed back to the States for about 6 weeks of reconnecting with friends, family, and our space. Now here we are in Manizales, Colombia where we'll hunker down for another 4 months before the holidays. We might...

Traveling Costa Rica with Young Kids: The Good, The Bad, and the Monkeys
Right. So THIS is why some people don't enjoy traveling with little kids. I've had that thought a lot over the past couple of months. Because we have been traveling A LOT. With little kids (3 and 4.5 yrs. old). As I explained in my previous post, there were many...

Moving Abroad with Family: Our New Life in San Ramón, Costa Rica
What is it really like to move your family to a foreign country? What does it take to leave your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors for any amount of time longer than a typical 1 – 2 week vacation? Where do you go? How do you find a place to live? What does it feel like once you get there? How do you establish a new normal? I don’t know what it was/will/would be like for you and your family, but I can share what it has been like for ours.

The 7 Ways to Escape the Rat Race
Rat race (noun, an Americanism dating back to...

What I Wish I Could Have Said on PBS NewsHour
We had the honor of participating in a story on PBS NewsHour with Mr. Money Mustache. Also featured were Mark & Sina Ebersole and Michelle Jackson, all of whom Michael met through his time at the MMM Headquarters. Click to...