Plan Your Ideal Day-To-Day
I love routines. I love a plan. I love when my kitchen is clean. When I was younger, I used to describe myself as spontaneous and carefree. Not true. I think I wanted to be those things because I admired those qualities in other people. But, really, I just don’t think...

Ms. Montana Interviewed Us!
Ms. Montana invited us to kick off a new guest post series on her site featuring people who have done a mini-retirement or a flexible life option. I feel our story easily falls into at least the second category so I happily agreed. But wait, why did Ms. Montana invite...

9 Lifestyle Choices That Helped Us Achieve Financial Freedom
A friend of mine recently asked how Michael and I were able to afford so much travel. Because I don't really toss around the term "financial freedom," I shared with her that it has really been a series of unconventional decisions that have provided us with enough...

What Financial Health Means to Me
According to CFSI’s Consumer Financial Health Study, nearly half of American households struggle to keep up with their bills and credit card payments. Most U.S. households are concerned about their financial health and aren’t confident they can meet their long-term...

Our Airbnb Experiment: Part 2
This is the follow-up article to Our Airbnb Experiment: Part 1. When we decided to spend 3 months in Ecuador, we wrestled with whether to simply leave our home empty or rent it out. The wasteful inefficiency of leaving a 4-bedroom 4 bathroom 2,900 square foot home...

Traveling with Young Kids, Lessons Learned
When preparing to leave for Ecuador, I really wanted to minimize the amount of stuff we packed. I wanted our suitcases to close easily and hold enough extra space in case we wanted to bring a few items back with us. After almost three months here, we are getting ready...

Our Airbnb Experiment, Part I
My first reaction to Michael’s suggestion that we rent our home through Airbnb while our family was going to be spending 3 months in Ecuador was not a positive one. He is, however, quietly persistent, really smart, and often right (don’t tell him I said that). After...